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Profoto D2 Duo 500/500 AirTTL 2-Light Kit

2 x 500Ws Monolights

2 x Power Cords, 1 x Padded Bag

0.03-0.6 Sec Recycling

Built-In AirTTL Radio Receiver

1/63, 000 Sec Freeze Mode Flash Duration

Quick Burst: Up to 20 Frames per Second

10-Stop Power Range: 1-500Ws

High Speed Sync to 1/8000 Sec

300W Modeling Lamp

100-240 VAC

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The Profoto D2 Duo 500/500 AirTTL 2-Light Kit, Profoto offers two advanced high-performance 500Ws monolights with power cords and a padded case. At 0.03-0.6 sec, the D2 is almost twice as fast as its predecessor and capable of 20 flash per second bursts. Other features include wireless TTL with the separately purchased Air Remote TTL-C for Canon and TTL-N for Nikon, action-freezing flash durations and High Speed Sync support up to 1/8000 sec.


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