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9 Camera Accessories and Why you need them?
camera accessories

9 Camera Accessories and Why you need them?

Whether you are a professional experienced photographer or a beginner with the camera, it’s always good to have a list of essentials is always a good idea at all times. In this blog, you will find out 9 must-have camera accessories that will help you protect your equipments, take good quality images, and keep you photography needs in line.

Memory Cards

Now cameras come with a memory card installed already but the built-in one has limited capacity. So an additional memory card is a need and it’s highly recommended.

There are  basic card formats found on almost all digital cameras. The most common is an SD card but you will also find CFast and XQD cards

Memory Card Reader

Professional photographers always carry an extra memory card reader to make it easy and quick to reach onto the nearest system, cell phone or tablet to review. When choosing a card reader, photographer should look for one with multiple options to connect to multiple and different devices.

Other option that can be considered is buying a laptop or other device with a built-in card reader. If that card reader does not work, you will still be able to retrieve those photos.

Fast Prime Lens

With buying camera, you will get standard lens kit but it is very likely you will need more lenses to increase the number of innovative photographic opportunities for the best results.

There is a mysterious array of camera lenses available in the market which confuses you to make choice in additional camera lens.

Portable Storage Drive

Taking Back up of image files is always a top priority of professional photographers. Files eruptions happen, even if you keep your photos safe on the laptop. External and portable hard drives are so small in size also so affordable that there is no good reason why one should not carry one with him.

There is also a good chance you will change your mind in internet-free territory and plans do not go your way. So preparing yourself for the worst with good organization strategies and having your own portable backup drive are safe and easy way to find.


Tripod is essential equipment for any kind of photography or videography where you need to make sure the camera stays still when the photo is captured.

Tripods come in many sizes. Small and medium size are usually enough to support a smaller, lightweight cameras with a standard kit lens. Whereas larger tripods are best suited to support larger DLSR and longer lenses.

Lightweight tripod  made from carbon-fiber are good to carry and heavier ones are ususally budget friendly.

Spare Batteries

Batteries are essentials and no photographer forgets this as you end up with device use when the batteries are dead. This holds important for your camera, light meter, external flash, , or any other portable device you have. Make sure you have new and charged spare batteries for each one. Some use disposable batteries, we recommend to consider switching to rechargeable ones and carry a portable charger. This will not just be better prepared but also be doing better for the environment by reducing extra waste.

Collapsible Reflector Kit

When photographers need extra or external light to get manipulated effects, there is nothing better and convenient than having the right reflector on hand. Luckily, there are number of good and affordable priced kits in the market with folding, lightweight reflectors in all the colors.

With the right reflector you will also have these options:

  • Light warm with a gold reflector
  • Contrast can be increased with a silver reflector
  • Color temperature can be retained of the light with a white reflector

Polarizing Filter

Photos come in enhanced results when used filters so take benefits of photographic situations from such accessory. One of the most commonly used is a polarizing filter . It has two types – linear and circular. 

 Polarizing filter can remove or reduce fixed glare from reflections and brighten color saturation.

In below image large-leafed plant that is shiny was photographed without a polarizing filter (left) and then right side is with a polarizing filter.

Gray Card

There are different opinion on which gray value one should carry, but in general point of view, 18 % gray is usually considered neutral. Usually photographers recommend using a +2EV exposure compensation while others prefer a 12% gray card. Use and find it out yourself that which works better for you and use it consistently to get good color and accurate exposures.


We hope this glimpse of some camera accessories helps you with making list and prioritizing your photography accessory needs.

To summarize, a fast prime lens, tripod, and polarizing filter will help you take enhances images. Memory cards and additional batteries will keep you shoot uninterrupted.

If you also want to take incredible images with your digital camera, please follow us and shop with us.

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