Photographer taking a picture.

How To Take Professional Photos?

Nowadays, photography has taken over the world with unique devices and amazing accessories to enhance the picture quality. After the pandemic, new vloggers, podcasters, and YouTubers have taken the camera’s power to create better content by capturing real moments.

In this blog by Golden Camera, we will let you know some of the tactics used for photography. Golden Camera is one of the finest camera stores in Pakistan that offers you the best version of the cameras and their accessories at a reasonable price. Cameras nowadays have various options and features, which is the main reason why the prices of DSLRs in Pakistan are not fixed; it depends on quality, performance, and features.

So, let’s get back to the blog and learn about some basics of photography with this ultimate guide by Golden Camera!

Read More How To Take Professional Photos?


How To Select The Right Camera?

Are you planning to become a photographer? Then, you may be considering which camera to purchase. A specialized camera is a device that allows you to use your creativity when taking pictures, even though many people already have a good camera built into their smartphones or tablets. Purchasing a new camera can be exciting but intimidating whether you are a serious amateur or professional photographer. This comprehensive manual provides insightful advice on how to pick the ideal camera for you.

Read More How To Select The Right Camera?

Person holding a camera

How To Make Your Audience Experience Emotion In Photography

Photography is a skill through which you can evoke different emotions inside the viewers. When words are not enough, photos can do the translation what message you are trying to convey. Skilled at photography means your photos can transmit feelings and emotions to the audience. They tell a story rather than merely clicking a scenario.

You can make your audience through emotions such as happiness, sadness, sorrow, despair, thoughtfulness, love, and so on. If you can do that, it means you are a skilled photographer.

But if you feel like you lack the skills to get to the point that you are satisfied, here is your perfect guide.  Read More How To Make Your Audience Experience Emotion In Photography


Camcorder: Is It Worth Buying In Pakistan?

Professional Camcorders gained popularity in the early 1980s. Professional videographers and filmmakers used it to produce video segments for commercial sale.

However, you can easily capture your precious moments through a smartphone nowadays. Smartphones are handy and considered best for short clips and photo captures, but camcorders have their own blessings. If you want to experience filmmaking and vlogging, use a camcorder instead of a mobile phone. It will be an excellent and different experience for you.

Camcorders are not only suitable for professionals but even for beginners and kids. It is easier to pull out your camcorder to do a recording than other cameras, such as a DSLR. The camcorder can help you make stable videos, unlike the shaky ones that you get through your mobile camera. Do you want to know if it’s worth paying for a camcorder price in Pakistan? Continue reading and get to know everything!

Read More Camcorder: Is It Worth Buying In Pakistan?

Person taking photo

6 Common Photography Mistakes By Newbies

At first, photography appears easy and simple, but the more you learn, the more you realize how less knowledgeable you are.

When you begin to love it, you are mesmerized by the idea that you can point your Camera at something that interests you, and there you have it, captured forever. When you think about it, that seems like magic.

The true scope of photography only becomes apparent when you attempt to accomplish something other than merely capturing life. Suddenly, you’re attempting to create your shots rather than just taking them. And at that point, the pictures start to look different than you expected.

If this describes you, know that it has happened to all of us at some point.

Here’s a guide to avoiding the most typical mistakes newbies make.

Read More 6 Common Photography Mistakes By Newbies

DSLR Camera

What Exactly Is A DSLR Camera, And How does It Work?

DSLR cameras are by far the most popular camera choice. They are versatile and provide high-quality professional photographs. They can also use a variety of interchangeable lenses. While we can offer you a wide range of options if you want to buy a DSLR camera in Pakistan, this blog will explain what a DSLR camera is. Continue reading to find out.

Read More What Exactly Is A DSLR Camera, And How does It Work?

Audio Mixer

4 Things To Consider Before Purchasing A Mixer

Choosing the right mixer for your application can be difficult, but the right mixer, properly gain-staged, will make mixing and recording a breeze for you. While you can always have a look at our collection if you want to find out more about sound mixer price in Pakistan, this blog will assist you in selecting the best mixer for your budget and setting it up to achieve the best results. Let’s begin.

Read More 4 Things To Consider Before Purchasing A Mixer

DSLR Camera

4 Crucial Things To Keep In Mind Before Purchasing A Camera

Are you interested in photography but unsure where to begin? If you’re ready to take your photography beyond your smartphone but don’t know where to begin with your camera purchase, we’re here to help. While we’re always here with the best collection if you want to buy DSLR camera in Pakistan, or for now, we will briefly discuss some factors to consider in order to make an informed purchase. We’ve highlighted some key points to assist any aspiring photographer in making a camera choice.

Read More 4 Crucial Things To Keep In Mind Before Purchasing A Camera

Canon Camera Lens

A Beginners Guide To Some Essential Lenses

Have you just stepped into the world of photography? Whether you have plans to become a professional photographer or you’ve just started clicking aesthetics as a hobby, lenses are an essential aspect of photography that you must have an understanding of.  While we’re always here with the best collection if you want to buy or want to find out more about Canon camera lens price in Pakistan, for now, we will briefly discuss some essential lenses. Let’s start!

Read More A Beginners Guide To Some Essential Lenses

Photography trends

Creative Photography Trends to Follow in 2022

Trend awareness helps photographers understand their customers better, and helps advertisers find valuable items in stock that will help them stand out among competitors. It also allows them to discover a common language with their audience.

Photography (and other aspects of our lives) has undergone many changes this year. For example, a new spin on your photos, drone photography, and still life. However, there is a difference. Therefore, we have images and powerful AI programming as a trend from technological evolution.

In this article, we have summarized  key trends in 2022 photography. Use it as a guide to develop new ideas, wow your customers, and improve visual communication.

Photo Art Trends to Follow in 2022

# 1 Masks are everywhere

From the beginning of last year, accessories such as medical masks and respirators were introduced into our cabinets. When we go to the supermarket or down the street, we may encounter a variety of designs for these items. In a sense, it has become an additional source of information about the wearer, as well as a time symbol. As a result, photographers began to use the mask on their models as a creative tool.

stock photo mask stadium

# 2 Switch to straight images

The epidemic has accelerated some marketing and technology processes. For example, the dominance of mobile devices over the desktop when it comes to using the Internet. By 2021, it is even more important for the eCommerce type to have a mobile app and website focused, rather than a desktop-focused web platform. In addition, important social media platforms including TikTok, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. are mobile first. This created the need to take specific photos.

stock photo view mountains

# 3 Increasing interest in the environment

Our hypothesis has recently been verified statistically. In recent months, Golden camera customers have begun purchasing nature photos.
This means that there is a lot of energy in the natural category of photographers. Taking pictures at length may not be an option in many countries due to confinement restrictions, but nature is always close to artists.

stock photo field nature spring

# 4 Your photos, family photos, and a few social photos

In these months, photographers have a hard time finding lessons for their artistic endeavors. To set up a secure outdoor or studio photo, you need to take a number of safety measures, which can be time consuming and not always easy. At the same time, if you want to produce regular visual content, you can use roommates, family members, pets, neighbors, and yourself as role models.

# 5 Nostalgic Vision

People love to take time with pictures. The generations of Y and Z, too, were known for their curiosity and love for decades (especially, the 60s and 80s). This is already evident in modern advertising, cinema, and fashion. Pictures of the beauty of the past are at the highest level of their popularity today.

And another tip – take the Cinematic Aesthetics course if you do not know where to start.

# 6 Powerful AI capture and editing

In many cases, clients in stock photography, or those who work directly with the photographer, are unable to distinguish a photograph taken using a reading machine, from that processed using a neural network. And that is why AI is so important to us: technology helps artists save time and effort on common tasks that do not require art.

# 7 Changing angles with drones

Capturing aerial photography remains a trend and a growing trend. It has recently become a photographer’s solution to social isolation law. What makes it even better is that the technology is cheaper over time, so modern professional photography drones are more affordable. As a result, aerial photographs are rapidly evolving. The list of ‘drone’ styles is expanded to include aerial fashion, sports, and wedding photography.

Wrapping Up

Photo trends give a glimpse of what is really important to the brands and its audience today. And they are a great start to developing visual ideas and strengthening your portfolio.

Based on the photo trends described above, we can conclude that 2022 is a good year for those who already have experience in natural photography, real life, and online photography.

The good news for everyone is that technology continues to evolve, and common tasks are less time consuming for photographers, thanks to powerful modern AI tools. And these are just a few things to take!

However, as you learn the trends, do not forget that creative images are not only marketable, but also your unique artistic perspective.